Circus-Being Inc.

Circus-Being Inc. was created by Sophie deLightful, who now acts as President. The remaining CORE members are:
Scarlet Tinkabelle – Treasurer
Lexi Maegraith – Secretary
Anthea Beazley – Vice President

Mission statement

Circus-Being is dedicated to leveraging the expertise and goodwill of its board and members to make a positive impact on projects centred around circus arts and wellbeing. Our mission is to empower small creative businesses and independent arts workers with the necessary tools to navigate the dynamic entertainment landscape. We are committed to fostering innovation and passion in seamlessly integrating circus arts with wellbeing. As an inclusive and community-driven organisation, we offer accessible pricing structures and a robust ground-level support system.

Our purpose

We believe in every arts worker getting a fair go. Through the sharing of knowledge and opportunities, we envision a brighter future for professional creatives, fostering a fairer and more transparent experience with support services.

“Our mission is to empower small creative businesses and independent arts workers with the necessary tools to navigate the dynamic entertainment landscape.”

Our aims

  • To provide support for smaller creative businesses and independent creatives.
  • To contribute to better education and fairer treatment for the performance industry.
  • To make support services, equipment and other basic needs more accessible for creatives.